segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

10 dicas para filmar manifestações

PREPARAR: Conhecer o equipamento. Desligar funções que maximizem a bateria (exemplo: wifi search on phones). Ter baterias extra carregadas, usar cartões de memória vazios e levar suplentes. Usar uma alça para a câmara, ao pescoço ou no pulso. Se possível, acertar a hora da máquina para o local onde se filma. Ter escrito um número de telefone para eventual apoio jurídico em caso de necessidade. Se houver alguma detenção pela polícia, registar o nome de quem foi preso, local e hora.

FILMAR COM INTENÇÃO: Manter o plano quieto (mínimo 10 segundos), mover MUITO devagar, evitar abanões e zooms - aproxime-se quando for possível. Usar diferentes escalas / aproximações - plano geral, plano médio, grande plano. Filmar a pensar nos que lá não estão - o que precisarão de ver para perceber o que se passa? Se houver abuso ou violência - CONTINUE A GRAVAR.

GRAVAR SEMPRE: Data, hora, local (esquinas, sinais de trânsito, tabuletas). Filmar de vários ângulos para documentar a dimensão e o comportamento da multidão, o número e a formação de polícias e qualquer arma que segurem ou usem. Filmar todas as ordens e permissões dadas, e o nome e número do oficial de polícia. Gravar quando a polícia dispõe ou move barricadas. Gravar os polícias que estão a filmar os manifestantes.

[tradução em curso]
CAPTURE DETAILS – INCIDENTS: If there is an arrest or violence, attempt to capture the entire incident, including: time, location, number and identities of involved individuals, and broader crowd or police presence/behavior. Film or say names of officers, badge numbers or helmet number into the camera. Work to get faces of those affected on film. Be agile: Film from above if possible, or low through officers’ legs to capture what’s happening. Consider verbally adding noteworthy facts of what was happening before you started filming to give context while you film.

WORK AS A TEAM: If filming, have a partner to watch your back, help keep you safe and alert you of other potential shots you should capture. If more than one of you is filming, try to get separate angles of the same incident – ideally keep each other in view. If you are at risk of arrest and want to keep filming, consider giving media card to friend for safe keeping and replace with empty card and KEEP RECORDING.


Regardless if you are uploading unedited or edited footage, it is essential to provide the following information so your footage can be found and coordinated with other footage. There are hundreds of videos on OWS, but some lack this essential, useful information. Before uploading, do a search for related videos and news like yours to help select useful title and tags –always tag your videos! Select a Creative Commons license when uploading so others can remix your video for advocacy purposes, and so it can be collected and archived by others. Follow these tips.

TITLE WITH INTENTION: Keep titles brief and descriptive. Add date, location and time. Use words you or one would use to find your video. E.g. Occupy, New York City, Protest
DESCRIBE YOUR VIDEO: Always include date, location and details of what happened BEFORE, DURING and AFTER recording. Consider starting with a URL for viewers to find more info, e.g. – November 12, 2011 | Brooklyn, NY | then video description.
TAG YOUR VIDEO: Always add these tags -> date, time, city, specific location, occupy wall street, occupy, ows. Use common tags found in your search: ‘police brutality’ ‘arrest’ ‘pepper spray’
SAFETY or SECURITY CONCERNS? If you think faces need to be blurred or feel the video may harm someone’s case or dignity, think twice before uploading. Contact the volunteer legal team for advice.
SAVE AND NAME YOUR VIDEO: Do not rely on YouTube or other sites to save and preserve your footage – it may be taken down and valuable technical information is lost in the upload. Save original footage to your computer and back up to an external hard drive. Name files and organize so they are easy to find – add date, location and tags.

Please check out WITNESS’ filmmaking tips and guides, and add your favorite resources – and ideas on how to enhance this list – below. Also, I’m looking forward to compiling the best practices for livestreaming video – if you have some tips, email me [chris @] or share via Twitter at @WITNESSchris.

Big thanks to my colleagues Marisa Wong and Chris Rogy for their work and insights on this! 

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