We've noticed that your account has been posting spam and irrelevant content on Facebook Pages. Because of this, your ability to post on Page walls has been suspended for 15 days.E só me deixam voltar a entrar se disser que concordo! mas eu não concordo, não estava a fazer spam, estava a partilhar informação em murais de "comunidades" onde esse é o tipo de participação corrente e esperado...
If you continue to post spam after this block has been lifted, your account could be permanently disabled.
Procurei no google a mesma frase e apenas encontrei 6 resultados, todos recentes. No fórum do facebook, alguém reclama que
"It's particularly aggravating because nothing I've posted has been spam or irrelevant, yet I am constantly seeing ridiculous and irrelevant get-rich-quick scam spam. I know it's incredibly hard to get hold of anyone who works for Facebook but I am really hoping there's some sort of appeal process for this kind of situation. I have been posting to a large number of page walls - but not spam and not irrelevant. Is there a way to contact Facebook and appeal this decision?"
Ficou sem resposta até agora, e eu, para lhe responder - através do facebook - a dizer que o mesmo me aconteceu, terei que dizer que concordo com a proibição feita... e sujeitar-me a consequências desconhecidas...
Outro caso individual é este: Giulia Bertaccini
Também a página Eyes Wide Open News - contra a censura dos media - aparece na pesquisa que fiz, mas não encontrei lá qualquer informação ou comentário acerca do caso...
Outro caso individual - em nome de Auston/Janice - foi o que encontrei reportado através da página FB Libyan Youth Movement. Eis os comentários que se seguem:

Tripoli Tiger Maybe the pro-Gaddafiyists and Serbs are mass-reporting frequent posters on LYM?
há 8 horas · 6 pessoas

Global Informer I was also blocked for some days to share posts. Why creates the share button???
há 8 horas

Joan Canada Sounds like there may be a pro-daffy campaign to disable anti-daffy posters.
há 8 horas · 1 pessoa

Patricia Davies-Gumma if it isn't an fb glitch then i think we got ourselves an infiltrator. Come out, come out.....wherever you are!
há 8 horas · 2 pessoas

Joan Canada Oooh, got me wonder Tripoli, got me wondering about you too. You are a johny-come-lately?
há 8 horas · 1 pessoa

Janet Thomson Yes TripoliTiger. I am Janice. Auston is my grandson, who donated his acct because my own posts as admin. Now I am Janet too. lol
há 8 horas · 3 pessoas

Jerry Drawhorn Yes - be careful not to click on a response from the account and only use Facebooks official notification page. Could be someone Phishing.
há 8 horas · 1 pessoa

Ray Rumley I always thought Auston was a nice guy how could they do this to him they sound like someone we talk about a lot on this page.We should protest.
há 8 horas · 1 pessoa

Micheal Cornor Yes we should protest fr the mother who lost her son weshould protest fr the brother who stand and reports bullet in his hand
há 8 horas

Windsor Live
If I may add to this thread... this is occurring in Canada as well with those that oppose our current government, it's policies and pro-corporation agenda, including pages/groups and accounts of non-conservative candidates running in our upcoming provincial elections. In addition several of my contacts from the US are having the same issues but for some reason those that are pro-govt in Canada and the US seem to be unaffected. Just an observation and please keep us up to date by posting on our page https://facebook.com/livew ord so that we may share and compare notes to see if we, as a global community, can get to the bottom of this bs or find alternative solutions. Peace, Love and Freedom to all...
há 8 horas
If I may add to this thread... this is occurring in Canada as well with those that oppose our current government, it's policies and pro-corporation agenda, including pages/groups and accounts of non-conservative candidates running in our upcoming provincial elections. In addition several of my contacts from the US are having the same issues but for some reason those that are pro-govt in Canada and the US seem to be unaffected. Just an observation and please keep us up to date by posting on our page https://facebook.com/livew
Creating an alliance of Canadians from across the spectrum of our collective people and we need you to help us to improve and enhance our resources.
Página: 121 pessoas gostam disto.

Sandy Sabo Facebook prison :( I will petition for your release Auston/Janice :) It's only temporary.
há 8 horas · 1 pessoa

Janet Thomson Ah Sandy, they sent me to the BIG prison this time. lol I can't wait 15 days...Tripoli could have risen and I would miss it.
há 8 horas · 2 pessoas

Libyan Youth Movement *sigh* Well, this is Janice/Janet/Auston. I just got the same msg on the Janet acct. No idea what is going on, but will deal with it tomorrow.
há 7 horas · 2 pessoas

Saleh Al-Mana haha luntic Gaddafi has really done it.. blocking facebook users... this is an attack angainst the US, they should now act more seriously :p
há 7 horas

:A:. feels like facebook starts up telling u what to do and what not to do..... we dont need no education!
há 4 horas
os meus facebooks são:
ResponderEliminarhttps://www.facebook.com/offxore (pessoa)
https://www.facebook.com/offxore2 (site)
outro caso: http://moneysavingmindy.blogspot.com/2011/08/attn-all-money-saving-mindy-fans-please.html
ResponderEliminarPassados 10 dias, a pesquisa no google já dá 100 vezes mais ocorrências (640 resultados). Mantém-se a dúvida: censura ou algoritmo?
ResponderEliminaroutros comentários:
David Žufić - I've been blocked from making new wall posts :S
há 43 minutos
Marina Wotske - David, create a new account, this is often the only way round. FB has a stupid anti-spam algorithm that blocks everyone who posts too much (except you're an admin).